To create a custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc create <name>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc create fullstats.
To create an auto-responder, use {{ prefix }}cc create responder <regex>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc create responder ^no u will respond to all messages starting with "no u". To try out regular expressions (regex), see Regexr.
To view a list of all custom commands on the server, use {{ prefix }}cc list. For details about a specific custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc <name> or {{ prefix }}help <name>, i.e. {{ prefix }}help fullstats.
For auto-responders, you need to find the auto-responder number in {{ prefix }}cc list and use {{ prefix }}cc <number>, i.e. {{ prefix }}cc 1 for auto-responder #1. {{ prefix }}help <number> won't work for auto-responders.
To add an action to a custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc add <name> <action> [additional arguments]. For example, {{ prefix }}cc add fullstats stats or {{ prefix }}cc add fullstats info server.
To add an action to an auto-responder, use {{ prefix }}cc list to find the number of the auto-responder and use that number in place of a name. For example, for responder #2, you would use {{ prefix }}cc add 2 say You just swore in my Christian server!.
The wait action simply waits a certain number of seconds (between 1 and 60) before continuing to the next action. To add one, use {{ prefix }}cc add <name> wait <seconds>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc add slowbot wait 36.
The say action has a couple special features regarding the channel the message is sent to. To send to a static channel every time, use {{ prefix }}cc add <name> say <channel> <text>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc add staff-suggestion say #private-suggestions A user has a suggestion....
To send to a dynamic channel (which is found using the first argument to the command), use [destination] instead of a channel name.
For example, in a custom command called talk, you could add {{ prefix }}cc add talk say [destination] {1...}. Using {{ prefix }}talk #staff A message for the mods..., the message will be sent to #staff, but the text "#staff" won't be included.
Unlike a static channel, [destination] will fail the command if the user specifies a channel they don't have access to. If no channel is specified for [destination], the action will be skipped. To prevent this, use a required channel parameter (see the parameters section.)
Normal users can only add one say action per custom command/auto-responder. If you have Bender Pro, this limit is increased to 10, allowing you to send different responses to different channels or split a response into multiple messages in the same channel.
Arguments for custom command actions can also include variables such as {1} or {prev} - see the variables section.
Note that some commands, including all from the Image Tools and Memes groups, can only be used once per custom command.
Actions can be edited in a very similar way as they were added - {{ prefix }}cc replace works the same way as {{ prefix }}cc add with an extra argument for the action number. For example, to change the 3rd action of a custom command called bigban, you could use {{ prefix }}cc replace bigban 3 say #logs New message here.
Note: When replacing an auto-responder action, make sure you use the numbers in the correct order! Mistaking {{ prefix }}cc replace 1 3 ... with {{ prefix }}cc replace 3 1 ... could accidentally break your other responders.
To set permissions for a custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc perms <name> <permission>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc perms fullstats chat-mod+ or for an auto-responder, {{ prefix }}cc perms 1 kick_members.
When a user doesn't have perms to use a custom command, a "You don't have permission..." message is sent if {{ prefix }}config perm-msgs is enabled. When a user doesn't have perms to use an auto-responder (or {{ prefix }}config perm-msgs is disabled), it's simply ignored and has no response.
These options ({{ prefix }}cc whitelist and {{ prefix }}cc blacklist) are mutually exclusive; you can have one or the other (or neither) but not both.
To create a whitelist, use {{ prefix }}cc whitelist <name> <channels>, with <channels> being a list of channels separated by |. For example, {{ prefix }}cc whitelist fullstats #commands | #spam | #shitposting.
{{ prefix }}cc blacklist works the same way; an example using an auto-responder is {{ prefix }}cc blacklist 1 #staff | #staff-commands | #rules.
Use required parameters (<role>, <channel>, <user>, <member>) to force proper usage of your command, failing if it isn't found.
Use optional parameters ([role], [channel], [user], [member]) to parse roles, channels, etc. in a more flexible way, still functioning if they're omitted or can't be resolved.
To add parameters to a custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc params <name> <parameter set>; for example, {{ prefix }}cc params gibrole <member> <role<.
Required and optional arguments can be mixed or matched; for example, <role> [user] <channel> would be a valid parameter set. However, we recommend putting all required arguments first (i.e. <role> <channel> [user]) to avoid confusion and ambiguity.
They can be used in both responses (say actions) and in arguments to other actions. For example, in {{ prefix }}cc add bigtag mentionable {1.mention}, the parsed role mention of the 1st argument is passed to {{ prefix }}mentionable, ensuring that it uses the same role as other actions.
{prev} - Result from the previous action, i.e. π API Latency: `69ms`
{args} - The arguments from the original command, or all of a responder message.
{p} - The current bot prefix.
{server} - The name of the current server. You can also use `guild` for this and the following variables.
{} - ID of the server.
{server.members} - Number of members in the server.
{server.region} - Formatted region of the server, i.e. πΊπΈ US (South)
{server.region_id} - Unformatted region of the server, i.e. us-south
{server.icon} - URL of the server icon, if one is set.
{server.owner} - Mentions (pings) the server owner.
{server.owner.tag} - The owner's Discord tag, i.e. Bender#2282
{server.owner.discrim} - The owner's discrim, i.e. 2282
{} - The owner's ID, i.e. 300800171988484096
{server.owner.avatar} - The owner's avatar URL, if they have one.
{author} - Mentions the user that sent the original command.
{author.tag}, {author.discrim}, {}, {author.avatar}, {}, {author.color}
^ These work the same way as the server.owner options above.
{channel} - Clickable name of the channel in which the original command was used.
{}, {} - Unclickable (text) name and ID of the channel, respectively.
Note: These can only be used in custom commands, not auto-responders.
{#} (i.e. {1}, {2}) - An unformatted argument from the original command, from 1 to 9.
{#...} (i.e. {2...}) - Includes an argument (like above) and all text after it.
{...#} (i.e. {...3}) - Includes an argument and all text before it.
{#...#} (i.e. {2...8}) - A range of arguments (inclusive.)
*If the previous was added as a user, member, role, or channel using `;cc params`, it can be formatted using these options:*
Note: These can only be used in custom commands, not auto-responders.
{#.mention} - Clickable user, member, role, or channel mention. This will ping users if Bender has the proper permissions.
{} - User, member role, or channel ID, i.e. 300800171988484096
{} - User, member (nickname or username), role, or channel name, i.e. general
{#.color} - Member or role color, i.e. #FF0000
{#.members} - Role member count, i.e. 24
{#.tag} - User or member tag, i.e. Mark.#9999
{#.discrim} - User or member discriminator, i.e. 9999
{#.avatar} - User or member avatar URL, if they have one.
To enable or disable your custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc enable <name> or {{ prefix }}cc disable <name> respectively. For example, {{ prefix }}cc enable bigban. As with other subcommands, replace the name with a number for auto-responders.
Before enabling a custom command, make sure it's set up properly; if it includes sensitive actions that normal members shouldn't have access to, set permissions for the command first! Custom command actions bypass Bender's regular permissions system, so it's very important that you configure them properly, especially when using potentially destructive commands such as {{ prefix }}del.
To remove an action from a custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc delete <name> <action number> or {{ prefix }}cc remove <name> <action number>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc remove bigban 1.
To delete an entire custom command, use {{ prefix }}cc delete <name> or {{ prefix }}cc remove <name>. For example, {{ prefix }}cc delete bigban.
As with other subcommands, replace the name with a number for auto-responders.
Be careful using this subcommand as well - if you forget a number or put something in the wrong order, you might accidentally delete the whole command or the wrong action.